SAMARINDA - East Kalimantan provincial government began construction of the freeway Balikpapan - Samarinda to set aside Rp 2 trillion as initial capital. Kaltim budget funds allocated through the multi-year is called the Head of Technical Planning Section of Road and Bridge Department of Public Works Highways Sector East Kalimantan, H Joko Setiono, in order to lure investors to want to build the freeway (freeway) or called a toll road is crowded.
"Investments in start-up capital is just as inducement to investors to be willing and interested in realizing the construction of toll roads. Later, when it's investors who build, then the provincial government investments in shares will be taken into account," Joko said when answering a question a number of communities in East Kalimantan interactive dialogue titled 'Development Toll Road East Kalimantan 'on ABC News Radio FM, Samarinda, recently.
Freeway construction that has been launched Governor Faroek Ishak Awang, last January, as is known still reap the pros and cons. Most people do not agree with this freeway project, except for better provincial mempriotaskan repair roads that exist. But, most of the others actually support the bold move of Governor Faroek to realize toll road only in Borneo.
What if there was no investor? "Otherwise there are also investors who want to build a freeway along the 99.2 miles, then Rp 2 T is missing. But the project itself must still we go on. And I'm sure when the prospects for economic growth in East Kalimantan is growing, especially in two major cities - Balikpapan and Samarinda - then the investor would have, "explained Ricardo, one of three sources other than the Chairman of Commission III DPRD Kaltim, H Syahrun HS and Head of Documentation and Information (Dokinfo) Diskominfo Kaltim, Nurdin AR.
He calls, the initial concept of this freeway actually started in 2002. During Governor Suwarna AF who want to realize the highway road Balikpapan - Samarinda. Being the Department of Public Works (now Ministry of Public Works) less agree with the concept of highway, except with the concept of a primary artery. Then in 2005, the concept of highway construction Samarinda - Balikpapan it stagnates.
Well, Joko explained, in 2009 Governor Faroek re-rolling the program. The feasibility study was carried out, including conducting further studies on the growth of economic development of East Kalimantan next few years. The results of the financial assessment or FIRR (Financial Internal Rate of Return) as a requirement of building a toll must be above a minimum of 12%, East Kalimantan is considered not feasible to build toll. FIRR value of his study is still at 7.74% rate.
However, studies of economic development or growth EIRR (Economic Internal Rate of Return) is quite encouraging. "Kaltim EIRR reaches or exceeds 20.14% FIRR 12% minimum requirement. What does that mean? Economically Kaltim feasible to build a highway, even though financially (FIRR) is not feasible. It is therefore necessary attention and support of central government funds in order to realize This freeway road projects, "said Joko representing the Head of Department of Public Works this Kaltim.
East Kalimantan highway project is also, according to Ricardo, was approved by the Ministry of Public Works. Was decanted through a decree of the Minister of Public Works No. 567 dated November 10, 2010, which include toll roads Samarinda - Balikpapan as part of national road network development highway. In fact, BPJT (Toll Road Regulatory Agency) of the Ministry of Public Works again soon conduct a feasibility study to embrace investors who want to build a road freeway that's scheduled for completion in 2013.
"I think, no more doubt. The road we have to wake up this freeway. The question now is how we are both struggling to get government funding in order to realize the toll this project," said H Alung - friendly greeting chairman of Commission III DPRD Kaltim - adding that, if Kaltim Jol did not build roads from now, when will society Kaltim yes this could have toll roads like in Java and other areas.
Related to the allocation of budget funds worth Rp 2 T is called Joko as inducement to the investor funds to realize the freeway. Budget allocation was used to build the road and land acquisition, community land. Moderate community itself is expected to Joko not worry, because the term compensation has now been changed to replace a profit in any land acquisition affected by road construction. (Dil / diskominfo)